Velvet Night

Velvet Night

I love the evening hours 

The dark is a cloak for survivors

Something happens at the stroke of midnight

Like a primitive frenzy

A hysteria of the odd

You wonder where they go in the daytime

They couldn’t possibly hold jobs

No… the misfits burrow deep in the daylight

Hiding beneath the dead

The streets are like an unfinished verse of Edgar Allen Poe

I was way beyond the edge

When I first kissed the dark

It felt like velvet

I love the seductive red of velvet

Like an old vaudevillian curtain



But smooth 

It takes a certain type of being

To drape themselves in velvet

The Ring of Fire… Prologue


Orkney Islands, Scotland, 4000 B.C.

The countryside grass swayed from the evening’s offshore breeze, as a giant Blue Moon sat in the sky showering a cosmic sparkle upon the desolate hilltop. Crowning the obscure plateau was a perfect circle of twelve giant stones seemingly standing sentry, as they had for thousands of years before man existed.   

Each stone was decorated with ancient lithographs and symbols of a long lost language carved deeply into the gray marble-like rock. The moonlight seemed to light the ancient dialectal with a stroke of silver bringing the mysterious lithographs alive.

In the middle of this sacred ring, a small elfish looking figure with white golden hair shining bright sat upon a giant white horse with smoldering red eyes. The woman’s emerald green eyes gleamed into the night as she surveyed the evening sky as if looking for a sign.

She was the queen of a magical race long vanished from the earth. The woman’s senses were keen and intuition unmatched among any who ever walked the earth for she was one of the oldest and most enlightened spirits in the universe. Her understanding of life gave her, what humans have long referred to as magic.

Like a magician, the gallant looking woman removed a bright sword from its sheath and pointed it towards the stars. A lighting bolt raced to the sky lighting the cosmos with a white flash like a nuclear explosion. The horse stood majestically on its hind legs snorting loudly and the two raced off into the night.

Present Day 

On the outskirts of small Louisiana town, a group of hobos stood around a burning trashcan chattering about their hardships, as they warmed their hands hoping the fire would keep burning for the rest of the evening protecting them from the cold of the night.

It was September 21st at the beginning of the winter equinox although most the hobos were completely unaware of this fact, or if they did know it they had long forgotten about it. Without warning a flame exploded from the can and exploded up to the stars taking the men completely by surprise.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning shot down from the heavens to the earth exploding the can. A white flash then seared evening sky sending the hobos scampering for their lives deep into the countryside. High in the heavens, the twelve constellations of the Zodiac burned brightly as a flurry of meteor showers danced across the sky, as had never been seen on earth before

The Ice House

Excerpt from “The Ring of Fire

It’s always cold inside the Icehouse – IceHouse

The wind was so cold.

For a few moments he couldn’t remember where he was, or what happened.

He was standing  in the middle of the tallest grass he had ever seen.

The grass stretched for miles, and miles, gently swaying in the wind.

He felt groggy. 

He spent the next few moments trying to get his bearings.

Then he heard a voice.

“There’s no love inside the icehouse”

The words kept playing over and over in his head.

“There’s no love inside the icehouse”

He looked up to the stars. 

The blue moon was hovering over him.

He never knew it could look so large and bright.

He actually thought he could reach up and touch it.

Then he heard the voice of his mother’s spirit..

“You’re a child of the Zodiac”

“This is our sacred temple.”

“The Ring of Fire “

He looked around, and suddenly he was in the middle of a ring of twelve gigantic stones in a perfect circle, standing majestically in the moonlight.

“One stone for each sign of the Zodiac.”

Each stone was emblazoned by a mysterious blue lunar light. 

A symbol on each stone burnt bright. 

He looked to the west.

Something was coming towards him.

A young girl with white flowing hair, riding a majestic looking white horse.

She whispered softly.

“There’s no love inside the ice house”

The constellations sparkled.

“Every stone represents a guardian in the skies.”

He could feel the warmth of each stone’s fire. 

He approached the nearest stone in front of him, watching it burn.

For some reason he could make out the ancient wording below the burning symbol.


“The Twins”

This meant something to him.

It stirred an emotion.

He thought it might be a memory, but then realized it was in his future.

His intuition told him this.

He was ready for the 


“The Secret of “The Ice House”


A lighting bolt shot down from the evening sky.

He saw a bright flash of light.

Then he was standing in an enormous cavern.

With giant walls made of ice.

He never saw a room so white and shiny.

The walls gleamed.

The cavern was full of icicles, all different sizes.

Some hung from the great ceiling, while others came up from the floor, he had never seen an icicle do that before.

He felt so small standing in the giant entry way of the great icy cavern.

Even the floors were made of ice, but they didn’t seem to be slippery.

He began walking down the giant corridor.

Suddenly he felt really cold, he began to shiver.

Then he heard his mothers voice.

“You can stop the cold. use your mind.”

He followed his mother’s voice.

The corridor began descending downward.

He walked through a maze of rooms all, shiny, clear, and wet looking.

It reminded him of the fun house they took him, and the other orphans to.

It seemed like ages ago.

Did time still exist?

Every wall he walked by, he saw a different reflection of himself, some were very distorted in size, faces, and age. 

“These are your many faces”

He turned the corner, and he looked into another sheet of ice.

It was crystal clear, and seemed to be melting, then he saw.

“The Gemini Twins”

Deja Vu.

These were his twins he thought.

Yes the future.

The twins vanished.

Then for the very first time ever, he saw his mother.

She looked so regal.

Her short golden hair glowed, as it reflected off the ice walls.

The twelve jewels of her white crown blazed.

He realized that they had the same haunting emerald green eyes.

They looked more feline than human.

“Yes I’m exactly like you dreamed.”

“You have my eyes”

“The magical green eyes that define our race.”

“You will be King of this race.”

Then he heard the wailing screams.

“The Lost Souls are crying for you.” 

“They know their King is here.”

“We are visiting the inside of a mighty sorcerers fortress right now,”

Then in a blink of eye they were back in the Ring of Fire.

“That visit will remain long in your spirit. It will be burned in the depths of your soul.”

“These lessons will exist long after the current human life that you have now is gone.”

“The Icehouse is the prison meant for your soul”

“It’s not wise to dwell there too long.”

“The sorcerer has been seducing you since you were a young boy.”

“He disguises himself in many cloaks and faces.”

“He’ll trap you inside with the most powerful gift you were given.”

“Your emotions.”

“He preys on them.”

“You have a mighty power that was born unto you.”

“I too was given this same gift.”  

“I’m going to teach you how to master this mighty power.”

“You don’t know it but you will become the most powerful spirit in the world.”

“As I am now.”

“Every day he watches you get stronger and stronger.”

“He craves our power.”

“Don’t ever under estimate him or take him lightly.”

“One day soon you’ll be able to look him in the eye and challenge him.”

“Or truth be told you’ll be ready when he challenges you”.

“Yes he will challenge you.”

“He has made several attempts to capture you and bring you here.”

“He takes advantage of your loneliness.”

“He’s trying very hard because he knows you’re still too young to defend yourself.”

“But  he is cautious because he knows  I’m always close to you, because I’m your Mother.”

“You’ll never be a prisoner of the Ice House.”


“Your power will grow.”

“It will beccome so great that you will break the spell of his dark magic, and free the lost souls from his prison.”

“Including his most prized possession; that dwells inside his deepest dungeons”

“His dark queen.”

“My younger sister Kyrrae.”

“The Man’s reckoning will soon come.”

“Yes they call him the Man.

The sorcerer of the Ice House.”


“This is your destiny my son”

Love Letter #1 “The Flame”

       He took out a candle and placed it on an old wooden table that he used as a private sanctuary for his deepest thoughts. The table sat next to the side window that overlooked the road that led up to his little farmhouse.

        He set the candle on the table and slowly started to twist and pushed down on the candle so that the wax would take hold, and the candle would stand on its own like a solitary sentry overlooking his heart.

         He opened the drawer and took the last sheet of his Mothers best stationery out, as well as a blotter of blue ink and a pen. Yes, this letter must be written in blue ink after all isn’t blue the color of heartbreak he thought.

        Before he started on the letter he gazed at an old photo of his lost love after they had just met. He took his lighter out and lit the candle. It took a few moments for the wick to catch fire. Isn’t that kind of how love is?

        Then he did something quite by intuition. He took the stationary and burned the outside edges of the paper. His mind glanced back to a second-grade art project. His teacher taught the class that little trick to make the paper look like it was antique.

        He hit the play button and started listening to a song that always brought tears to his eyes, Cheap Tricks “The Flame” He could just feel the singers pain. When he was a young man his father took him to the city to look at colleges one day. It was while he and his father were driving around the town that he was listening to the radio and he heard a deejay remark that this was the greatest love song ever written. There wasn’t much of a music selection where he lived at the time so his experiences were very limited in this time of his life. but he felt the song described his feelings so well.

        He took one final look at the photo. It was at this college in his first week of school that he met her. She was from wealth, diamonds, and glitter. He was from poverty, calluses on his palms, boots, and jeans. In hindsight he knew it would never work, but “Hey Love prevails” he remembered hearing that somewhere before. Funny when you drift back and forth from your emotions to your rational mind.

       He knew in his heart that no one but him would ever read this letter especially her. a part of him wanted some closure but that’s not the way life is. somethings are just left undone.

       He sat for what seemed like hours just listening over and over to the song before words could flow through the pen. He started out by thanking her, maybe it was to disguise his anger toward her for leaving him. They didn’t teach any classes in school on love and he never got a chance to ask his Dad about heartbreak and pain before he died. He wished her well and then the truth came out, he had to be careful not to write too much because he only had one sheet of paper left. Why is life so restrictive sometimes, he thought?

      He gazed at the candle, it was dripping wax onto the table, a pool of red wax formed at the bottom. a tear fell from his eye onto his first sentence. The tear made the blue ink run just tad like a painter from heaven planned it that way.

     Experience, what lessons did he learn from this broken romance? He realized that she woke a part of his soul up that he never knew existed, he wanted to thank her for that but just couldn’t find the words.

     He wondered if she had any pain in her heart. He guessed that would be some kinda moral victory.

     The candle was almost burned down to the bottom of the table. There was now a huge pool of melted red wax around lying on his wooden table. It was already dry in some places, would his heart heal that quickly? It would be a nice touch to let a little of the red wax run on to the top of his letter.

      He folded the letter in half and dabbed a touch of wax on the bottom of the fold to seal it. Was God watching him? He wanted so bad to blow the candle out but something deep, deep inside him just told him to let the flame burn out and die.


Restless soul enjoy your youth” – Pearl Jam “Not for You”

The spirit just couldn’t leave the plane. She felt an angel take her hand and they headed straight up towards what looked like the brightest light she had ever seen. It was unbelievable how the light warmed her soul. Then suddenly with all her might she yanked on the angel’s hand and broke away, she wasn’t ready for heaven yet.

The collision had been violent she never had time to even realize what happened. The car was completely torn in two as it wrapped itself around the tree. It had been raining and all of sudden the car in front of her hit its brake lights and she instinctively tapped on her brakes and her front tires locked up on an oil slick left from the rain and she lost control of the wheel as she veered towards the tree.

Her head snapped and that was it. her spinal cord was severed completely, and she died instantly. Unbelievable was what she thought. It seemed like she was in a dream she watched from above as all the cars on the parkway stopped and people started running in the rain towards her car. She saw her body slumped over the steering wheel like a rag doll, she thought it was odd there was no blood visible. What was going on here? She was floating, but where?

Then the angel took her hand and after she felt the warmth of the light she realized what was going on and at the moment she saw the gates of heaven and broke away.

She thought she was heading straight back to earth but she had no control over anything at all. Was she a ghost? She looked back up again but the light was nowhere to be found. Okay, she told herself its just a dream and I’ll wake up soon.

For some reason, she thought about a vampire book that she read long ago, and the words of the text were in French.

Next, she recalled dancing in a long white flowing gown in a mighty castle with a man she thought might be a king.

Then she saw a giant snow-white horse standing on top of a hill, by the light of a giant gray full moon in the middle of a circle surrounded by twelve stones. Standing next to the horse was a tiny woman with short golden hair and magic green eyes, her head was adorned with a golden crown with 12 sparkling jewels.

She focused all her thoughts back down to her hometown, St Charles, Utah. It took all of her concentration and the next thing she knew she was in her old house! She looked at her bedroom and there were picture’s of her when she was growing up at all different ages in her life on the wall, and all her stuffed animals from the closet now adorned her bed, My God it’s a shrine of my life, she started to cry! How long had she been dead? And just like that as if she was a leaf in the wind she was whisked out of the house and found her self floating through her old hometown.

She was confused as ever there was confusion. She felt like a stranger in her own town, where were the people? She couldn’t see a single person, no cars were driving and the sidewalks were deserted and there were no children in the schoolyard.

The wind whisked her up again and she realized she was floating in outer space when suddenly she realized something was now embracing her as if like she was being hugged and warmed by a fire.

“Do you really want to go back to earth the voice said.”

“Yes, yes I do” she wept.

“Then my child I’ll give you what you want.”

“I never deny my children”

Then she kissed her gently.

She never saw such haunting green eyes in her life.

Riding West of Sangre De Christo

Riding west from Sangre De Christos wine

On this tattered desert gift horse of mine

Painted Desert skies seem so far away

My heart keeps saying the answers in LA

She ruled my weary heart then stole my life

A searing madness that became my wife

The sunset’s bridge keeper kept telling me

You can’t come in without the key

You search around for an obvious clue

My heads spinning don’t know what to do

I crawl to my knees and pray to God

Ghosts of his son’s mountains were all I got

I sought my dreams from so far away

Sold my morals for this mistress named LA

She skipped way about a year from now

I thought I was finally leaving Lonesome town

The bridge keeper’s words keep haunting me

Everywhere I look it’s her haunting face I see

Seems like the hearts gone and moved away

Trying to lasso the ghosts in the hills of LA

Sangre De Christo I think your blood flowed here

Chalice tarnished from the thirst of yesteryears

When the music starts playing the ghosts come out

They fill the hills as the bellhops move about

The guest can’t leave the hotel locked its door

Mojorisin laughs as the crowd screams for more

Blood of Christ seeps through my vein

Like LA’s deliverance for my pain

Everyone here feels the blues

I got to do what I got to do

Where’d my horse go did he run away?

Did he follow her deceitful trail to LA

My trails getting cold and dreams are fading fast

They keep saying count the blessings from your past

History repeats itself the lessons don’t make sense

I look around the Blood of Christ has painted my fence

I headed west to seek my delusion of fame

Now I know where the mountains got their name

I was standing to the West

waiting for the sun even if there’s no window to look out of.
maybe you wonder why I left? nothing really to do with you
cant really make sense of it all,

I really have no destination
did you ever write from right to left?
or feel different when the moons full?

you know what I mean

maybe depressed?

who knows.
catch a blue star
Oh oh

Nodding out again
here we go again.
Go ahead pick a card,
Dont forget He’ a one-eyed jack
madame can you read a madman’s palm?
The moon controls the tide
Why not you?
put your card back
Muggy nights
Look it’s the man in the moon
Crystal ball or ouija board ?
Does your Jack look a lot like him,
Queen of Diamonds “she” cheats you know

His hands felt so cold
as he strummed a lifeless tune
who could have thought

a guitar could sound so lonely and sad
You could feel it all through the room

He just sits so still
and hold his breath
words and chords have no meaning
but he plays his best

Will the angel of mercy
ever grant him a favor
As he prepares to die
the crowd weeps for a savior

he pleads for strength
to do what he must do
could his fall from earth
have any real effect on you

an arclight gives up
the hostages cover
once again

he tells her
how much he loves her

Anger consumes his soul
just like a cancer
his ballet is out of place
shes a modern dancer

She bows and smiles so curtly
did she learn that on her own?
the ballet comes to its end
and he’s left weeping all alone